Friday 22 April 2016

“WE ARE DYING OF STARVATION”: Rivers State students on scholarship write Gov. Wike from London

Rivers state students who are studying in several universities abroad under the scholarship scheme of the Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency RSSDA have again cried out for help from the Chief Nyesom Wike led Government.

One of the students who sent Feel Rivers a mail from London said things have really gone bad with them. He said “Things have really gone bad with us. Its now unbearable and we can no longer cope and most of us don’t have a place to lay our head”

“its up to one  year and six months now since we last received  money from the government”

“Please help us beg the governor and the general public to come to our aid”

Governor Nyesom Wike on resumption of office declared that he was not not going to continue with the overseas scholarship initiated by his predecessor due to declining revenues.

The Governor said that while those in their final years would be allowed to complete the studies overseas, others would be relocated back to Nigeria to complete their studies.

Though the policy had generated hue and cry from the citizenry with many calling on the governor to allow all beneficiaries conclude their studies before winding up the program, it appears that even though Rivers state government is not prepared to blink on the matter, the lot of those approved to stay behind still leaves much to be desired.

Here is the letter from one of the RSSDA beneficiary which was sent to Feel Rivres by mail:

Paul Babbeye Adden


St. Vincent and the Grenadines

18th April,2016

His Excellency,

Hon. Barr. Nyesom E. Wike

The Executive Governor,

Rivers State Government House,

Port Harcourt,

Rivers State,


Dear Sir,


On behalf of the Rivers State overseas students under the arm of Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA), we would like to thank you for your continued developments and ongoing projects in the state. We wish you all the best as you lead us to progressive and sustainable development.

As final year students graduating this year, we would like to bring to your notice our present financial situation as a result of non-payment from December 2014 (1 year and 5 months) to date. However, with our current financial position, there is no option left for us to ponder other than cry out for help for survival. We cannot bear it any longer because it is beyond us. We would not make a mountain out of our present situations but rather will declare it as fair as it is.

Most importantly, we are financially broke to the point that even food can no longer be found on our table, this is alarming but it is what we face day after day. Sadly, we

Cannot remember the last time any of us visited the market to buy food. It is embarrassing for us to inform you that, we now rely on our foreign friends for even food. It is believed that, food is one of the fundamentals of existence, so how do we survive in strange land without food and roof to cover our heads? Transportation to school is now a forgotten story because we have not been able to pay for bus fares; we cannot even go to school because of non-payment of tuition fees. Everyday our problems are compounding and the challenges are overwhelming.

More so, we have arranged with the landlords to give us some time to crack a means to pay them their rents but all our efforts were declined, as we owe more than 12 month’s rent. The landlords have told us that they will use legal actions against us in a bit to get back their money.  As a matter of fact, some students have been served with court notice and are expected to appear in court in the following weeks. Most of the students have been evacuated from their apartments because of the non-payment of rents; now more than five students are living in one room just to stay under a roof, some are living on the street, while others look for means of survival.

The situation is unbelievable and unbearable; not getting better and if things are not put right, we will soon find ourselves all in the street. It is shameful and mind bugging to inform you that most of the students have been forced to engage in illegal activities just to make ends meet as a result of Government inability to release funds for them. We really do not know what else to do to help our situations.

Also, In addition to non-payment of students’ upkeep and accommodation allowances, tuitions have not been paid for couple of years. As a reaction to that, most universities have stopped the RSSDA scholars from attending classes and sitting for exams. In our Institution, the final year medical students have been stopped from attending clinical rotations, meaning they will not be allowed to write their final examination and may not be able to graduate this year. This trend have continued for so long that we are scared of been evicted from the School.  The situation we find ourselves is very critical as our future and education is in jeopardy.

As students, it is difficult for us to concentrate and study in harsh financial conditions, we do hope for a positive change as we face so many uncertainties. Our condition is now so pitiful that we are becoming hopeless in a foreign land. Also, we would not be able to leave the country, as we are obliged to settle all debts owed and clear every financial commitment.

We are asking for the government to come to our aid as we are totally stranded, hopeless and frustrated. We do not know what will become of us in the next few days without the government resolving this situation as we are facing uncertainties in a foreign land.

Thank you.

Paul Babeye Adden,

For RSSDA overseas sponsored students.



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