Friday 11 March 2016

Ways to stay motivated and accomplish anything

Does the start of a New Month,, renew your energy and motivation to achieve change? For most it does, but let's face it, no matter how driven you are, there will be times when your energy and commitment will be low. Yes, it happens--even to the most motivated among us.

You may have a great plan for your business, but now it's time to create a plan to keep yourself in high gear at work. When you need a boost try these simple tips to tap into your motivation. You know you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it, so put your mind to making 2016 a wonderful year! No matter how the year has been you can still make it work.

1. Determine your motivating force.
What's your why, your passion, the vision beyond the vision, as I call it? You must have a reason to succeed; one that touches the deepest levels of your being. Before you begin every project explore the big picture. Why is it so important to you? What will you lose if you don't keep going? If you commit to something, just because you should, you will look back upon failure.

2. Tap into the energy of others.
If you feel tired, uninspired, even like giving up, I challenge you to examine the mindset of those around you. Do conversations with your closest companions renew your energy or drain it? Do you have people in your life who can engage in stimulating conversation about business or the other things that you're passionate about?

As human beings we give and receive energy and inspiration. Make sure you are receiving as much, or more, than you are handing out.

3. Get your thoughts organized.
When I'm working on a big project, nothing zaps my energy more than an over-stimulated, cluttered mind. This is an easy state for entrepreneurs to fall into because we are so full of ideas and strategies: your mind can go in a million directions and all of them seem viable at the time. Collect these thoughts by talking through your desired outcome, what you've done so far, and your options for moving forward. Your coach is a great resource for this, they are always there to inspire us. Sometimes all it takes is a willing ear, so a patient friend will do. It's surprising how things can fall back into place simply by revisiting your goals with a second party.

4. Move the process from your head to an organized list.
You know how it goes. You're determined to make some headway today and you've got two hours to make a dent in your project. But you sit down, uncertain about where to begin. So what do you do instead? Get lost in social media or another distraction, right?

Detailed lists outlining your next steps can eliminate this temptation. Break down your goals into bite-size, manageable chunks and always refer to your list before you get to work. Better yet, schedule time into your calendar for the very specific tasks that will take you to the next level in your project. The more specific you get, the less your mind will be inclined to go another direction.

5. Renew your creativity with a mind map.
If you keep your ideas and options in your head, it's difficult to tap into more expansive thinking. Your brain can efficiently manage only so much information before that information becomes nothing more than clutter. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or confused about how to get from point A to point B, create a mind map. When you do this, it not only organizes the mess in your brain; it also brings out your creativity and resourcefulness.

6. Have a plan B.
Find inspiration in these words from Thomas Edison: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Be prepared to change course in light of the unexpected. This does not mean that you are giving up on a great idea. It means that you're destined to find one that's even better.

7. Don't worry, be happy.
The Dalai Lama was once asked what surprised him most about humanity. "Man," he answered. Why? "Because," said His Holiness, "he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never to die, and then dies having never really lived."



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